boy i am so stupid sometimes. in what world could i, shannon hill, excel to the best of my abilities, in a CUBICLE?!?!?
i've been at my new job [Dan Gamel RV, Corporate Call Center Receptionist] for about 2 and a half weeks now and i'm bored to tears already. yeah, and for those of you that actually KNOW me, you were probably dying laughing as you read my job title, because it clearly is not shannon material. i can't sit still for more than two seconds without the urge to have a dance party, take a roadtrip, or perform a stand-up rountine on top of the fireplace. (o:
so here i am, sitting. and sitting. "Thank you for calling dan gamel's rv centers, this is Shannon! how may i direct your call?" and sitting some more. my office even has myspace and facebook blocked from the web! i'm having to write this blog at home right now, even though i've been in front of a computer all day long...cruel and unusual punishment i tell you.
so how do i survive? i make jokes with old people on the phone, sqeeze the crap out that pink stress ball, and stare at pictures of rob pattinson all day. that's how. and until some airline agrees that i would be a great asset to their in-flight team, here i stay...to rot, and whine, in this crual joke of town called fresno.