there's furry february...mustache march..... and.... and... april showers??? dang it. where's the facial hair lovin' for april? so so sad.
i love it when guys have staches. i wish every cute guy would grow a dirt stache and/or a scruffy beard. if they only know that it automatically makes them ten times hotter....hmm.
so i'm sitting in the computer lab right now because i told myself that this is only place i would get down to business and do my graduation exit surveys and possibly start some papers. and here i am, blogging about mustaches. i think i'll try the library next time. this place is too distracting. maybe it's because i have an undiagnosed case of ADD or maybe it's because secret lover just walked by, (*gasp*) looking better than ever. the world may never know.
still recooperating from all of kari's birthday weekend festivities. apparently i am getting way too old for all this late night business. ahh tear. party on friday (kind of), club on saturday, and dinner on sunday....and what did i get from all this? about 90 ridiculous pictures and one giant headache. i'm going to miss these kinds of weekends....
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