Tuesday, April 22, 2008

an ode to you: my stupid breasts.

if only i had a nickel for every time my boobs took over a picture.....

well apparently there's only room for one of us in this town (my face or my breasts), and my boobies like to take the cake.

this is ridiclous. how much do breast reduction surgeries cost? anyone know? anyone want to pay for it??????


Friday, April 18, 2008

the "Toast-Quick" conveyor toaster by Hatco.

possibly the worst investment cbu has ever made. what i wouldn't give for the day my bagel came out of that thing not only in a quick fashion, but actually toasted. i guess the only idiot is me though, considering i try time and time again to toast my bagel in that piece of shit, and it never delivers. no but seriously, sometimes it never delievers....like one half of the bagel gets stuck in there, never to be seen again. like that fucking missing sock that disappears in the dryer somehow.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i hate ring by springgggggggggggggggggggg

Monday, April 14, 2008

but what about april???

there's furry february...mustache march..... and.... and... april showers??? dang it. where's the facial hair lovin' for april? so so sad.
i love it when guys have staches. i wish every cute guy would grow a dirt stache and/or a scruffy beard. if they only know that it automatically makes them ten times hotter....hmm.
so i'm sitting in the computer lab right now because i told myself that this is only place i would get down to business and do my graduation exit surveys and possibly start some papers. and here i am, blogging about mustaches. i think i'll try the library next time. this place is too distracting. maybe it's because i have an undiagnosed case of ADD or maybe it's because secret lover just walked by, (*gasp*) looking better than ever. the world may never know.
still recooperating from all of kari's birthday weekend festivities. apparently i am getting way too old for all this late night business. ahh tear. party on friday (kind of), club on saturday, and dinner on sunday....and what did i get from all this? about 90 ridiculous pictures and one giant headache. i'm going to miss these kinds of weekends....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

aaron joins tobias in the blue man group.

arrested development. how was that show only on for 3 seasons? i think that maybe our culture just wasn't ready for it back then. i bet if it had started this year, it would have taken off like the office. fingers crossed that an AD movie will be coming soon!

anyways, today my brother sent me a picture of himself all decked out in blue costume paint for an upcoming episode for greek (which i don't think i was allowed to post yet, but oh well). it reminded me of one of my favorite AD episodes where tobias mis-reads a flyer about being blue and thinks it is an audition for the blue man group. ahhh comedy at it's finest. haha.

well i'm off to nap before my night class.

oh how i love naptime....
peace. love. and tobias.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

change the channel please.

i can't think of many things worse than a tv with no remote. oh, and an america's next top marathon playing on it.
today was my last chapel at cbu...making a grand total of 120 chapels i've attended in my college career. 15 each semester. wow. i'd like to say that the cbu chapels have changed my life.
but then i'd be liying.
out of 120 chapels, how many do you think i remember? probably about five.
FIVE. only five have succeed in not boring me to death.
that statement makes me so sad. sad, because i know i'm not the only one here that feels that way. believe it or not people, it is actually possible to preach the gospel and NOT be boring! so why is it that you are trying to reach our generation with these sermons that even put professors to sleep? how about you teach us something that makes the nonbelieving students actually want to be Christian. i am friends with a lot of the international students here, and it scares me to know that attending cbu chapels might have had even had the opposite affect on them, and prevented them from ever wanting to be Christian. i feel like "fun Christians" are made to be oxymorons here, when that just isn't how it is in real world.
it's a good thing this blog is my personal journaling tool, and not a school newspaper article...because i probably just opened a whole can of worms. but regardless, i just want to conclude with this.....
i love jesus. always have. always will.
i am not perfect, but he loves me back anyways. and that's the beauty of it. i can be fun, silly, crazy, and every other emotion, and he will still love me.
my hope is that cbu will be able to reach every single student in their own unique way. that chapel will become an opportunity for growth and change, never hindering.

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...
a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

the end? or the beginning?

i'd like to start off by clarifying a few things. first of all, i always type in lowercase letters. this does not mean i am illiterate or poorly educated. i merely like to keep things simple. i am not sure when this habit started; maybe somewhere around my second year in myspace world...but regardless, it has stuck with me. so if you are an all caps freak of sorts, you'd better stop here.

i also want to clarify why i am starting this blog. i have come to realize that these past few years i have changed in about a million different ways. my opinions on people and things are changing on a constant basis. i remember reading a diary recently from when i was in elementary school and thinking, wow...i was such a stupid brat back then. how i wrote and what i wrote defined who i was during that stage in my life. so that's what i'd like to do now. start writing about adventures, random thoughts, good times, bad times, and everything in between, in hopes of one day looking back and saying, wow....i was still a stupid brat. haha well you get the idea...

so here i am. day one. three and a half weeks until my cal baptist life ceases to exist. el fin.

and how in the world did this happen?

how in the world am i graduating from college? i expected to feel ready for this change. i expected to feel like an adult...ready to move on into the "real world."

today i went to the mall with my roommates [including our unofficial roommate, josie] and drove there with the windows down singing and dancing to the full blown music inside.

not sure if that's what you're supposed to do when you're 21, but i do. and quite frequently.

it was one of those bitter-sweet moments where you're laughing and happy with your friends, and sad at the same time because you know everything is about to change. i mean seriously, they say college is the best and worst years of your life.

and oh boy were they right.

i am a firm believer in no regrets. however, if i had to regret something, it would have to be not starting this blog sooner. it would be amazing to look back at all those "what was i thinking!" moments throughout my college years. i have liked some stupid boys. i have had some stupid friends. and shirley i have done some stupid things (most likely involving the stupids mentioned above). (o; but Lord knows that i have learned from all of it.

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." - Maria Robinson